Kindermusik Benefits
As a trained and licensed Kindermusik educator, I understand the importance of providing children with an early educational foundation. It’s one reason why I choose to teach Kindermusik. Based on current research and developmentally appropriate methodologies, the Kindermusik curricula uses music as the vehicle for learning during the first seven years of a child’s life, however, the benefits of music extend well beyond those early years.
Childhood development experts, researchers, and scientists agree that learning through music can set a child up for success in school and in life. The benefits of music for children include:
Early Literacy and Language Development: Active music-making and activities that emphasize steady beat, rhythm, and pitch increase phonological awareness due to similarities in brain functioning between music and language. Plus, stories, nursery rhymes, fingerplays, and songs increase vocabulary acquisition and support early language development.
Social-Emotional Skills: Music classes for children cultivate sharing, turn-taking, active listening, cooperation, paying attention, and healthy social interaction with peers and adults. Kindermusik supports the key abilities needed for children to grow into socially confident and capable people.
Cognitive Skills: Musical learning provides gains in abstract reasoning, spatial and temporal reasoning, and self-control.
Physical Skills: Playing developmentally appropriate instruments and moving around the room to music provides children opportunities to practice both fine- and gross-motor skills each week in class and at home with you.
Music Skills: Kindermusik prepares children for traditional music lessons, including piano, violin, and voice. In class, children may experience steady beat during lap bounces or clapping games, play instruments together to support early ensemble development, learn to tap basic rhythm patterns, sing age-appropriate songs to support vocal development, or even learn to read and write music.
Each week in class, I love leading children and families through musical and movement activities that bring joy to the day and provide learning for a lifetime! Give your child the lifelong benefits of music. Enroll in Kindermusik today!
Kindermusik vs other music programs
One of the most frequent questions we get asked is how Kindermusik is different from other music and movement programs. Here's a few things to consider:
Kindermusik has been around for over 45 years. It is the "grandfather" of many other programs.
Kindermusik is research based which means the curriculum is updated and improved upon regularly to maximize the benefits to your child. It is proven to increase school readiness by 38%
Kindermusik educators undergo extensive training and are required to continually educate themselves in order to maintain their license. That means you are always getting the best, most informed teachers who are always improving their skills in the classroom.
@Home materials are a required part of any Kindermusik experience. Not only do we undergo training and stay on top of research, but we share all the knowledge we have and all the music, stories, and resources from class directly with you. Our hope is to facilitate a music experience that you can take home with and do over and over again. Parenting tips, albums, curriculum inspired games, and more will be at your fingertips with every class.
Our goal is to help you develop a wholistic child. We practice an approach that encourages learning in many different styles and at many different levels. This integrated approach creates flexible learners.
Kindermusik takes the best from many different child development and music philosophies including: Kodaly, Montesorri, Suzuki, Orff, and many others.
Kindermusik is incredibly aware of the need to promote authentic and diverse experiences. We have curriculums dedicated to English-Second-Language learners. There are literally Kindermusik studios all over the world, the largest being in the Phillipines. They actively change their curriculum and songs to be as inclusive and equality-focused as possible. Many of the songs we share are sung in their original languages and our Young Child curriculum for our 5-7 year olds actively exposes kids to music, dance, and languages from all over the world.